Hello Everyone,
With my due date around the corner the anticipation of our little baby is on a high note. Working on our baby’s room was very exciting and both my husband and I collaborated together on the theme and decor. With everything ready we now only anticipate the arrival of our little man.
I am excited to share with you photos of the maternity photo shoot we did at our home. The beautiful pictures were done by my dear friend @fabianasabato. Enjoy!
Dress by Badgley Mischka.
Pround of his animal kingdom. Drawings done by my husband.
Jacket by Chanel, skirt by The Kooples, and cocktail ring from Istanbul.
Shirt by Zara, necklace by J-crew, pants by AG and shoes by Christian Louboutin.
Have a wonderful week!
Love, Priscilla
Hello everyone,
Spring is right around the corner and I am desperate for warmer weather. In anticipation of spring, I did a burst of color with this bright pink sweater. As you will see below my belly is growing by the second in these last few weeks. I must say I never thought I would feel so good at eight months pregnant. I have absolutely loved being pregnant! It has been an amazing experience, very different from what I had envisioned. It has made me feel more confident, empowered and beautiful.
I hope this serves as encouragement to other woman out there. People may try to put us down at moments in life that are meant to be joyful. Turn off those small voices, and let your voice of confidence and your own experiences speak louder.
“There is beauty in your presence”.
Pants by AG, shirt by Leith, sweater by J-crew, jacket by The Kooples, necklace by Zara, shoes by Christian Louboutin, sunglasses by Prada, bag by Chanel and gloves I got in Paris.
Love, Pris
Hello Everyone,
I wanted to share with you all the details from the decor of baby shower. Everything looked amazing and there was so much attention paid to every detail. I was really taken back when I saw the whole thing come together. The tables were filled with blue hydrengea’s, white, yellow roses and playful details on each table arrangement. The main table decor looked spectacular. I absolutely loved the design and specially the taste of the naked cake. It was delish!
My day was surronded by loved ones, and it was truly special to have so many people share on this important moment with me. I wanted to thank everyone who worked so hard to make this day so wonderful and thank you to all my family and friends.
Main table decor.
Details at the entrance to the party.
Mommy and Daddy pic and our little guy.
Craft table, where guests made one of a kind onesies.
Sweet treats.
Essie nail polish party favor in my favorite color.
Dress by Zara, trench by Club Monaco, flats by Valentino @bergdorfgoodman, and make up by @lidiannavieira.
Love, Pris
Hello Everyone,
It’s been a while…Life has been really crazy these days so I have been M.I.A from my blogging duties. Let’s catch up! At the end of January I took a trip to the Ice Hotel in the city of Quebec. It has been a dream of mine to experience a night at an ice hotel for a while now. Since Norway was quite a long journey, I was excited to discover that the same architect that had built the ice hotel in Norway had also built this ice monument in Quebec.
The design of the hotel is simply breath taking. To be surrounded by this monumental ice creation is just magical. There are specific designs created every winter season at the hotel. When the hotel is re-built in December it will always have a new unique design and theme.
Frankly, the one thing I was worried about was how I was going to make it through the night, especially at 7 months pregnant at that point. I was very concerned about discomfort during the night, but was amazed at how well I made it through the night. My body was actually very warm inside the sleeping bag. The only real discomfort I experienced was on my eyes and nose. I was not really able to cover that part of my body and so you can imagine it was basically freezing the entire night. The tempture inside the hotels ranges from -3C to -5C at all times. It was a good night overall, but it is impossible to sleep through an entire night without waking up. I was up every hour or hour and a half. I must say that the experience of spending the night in this icebox was unreal and such a thrill. It was also exciting to cross this off my bucket list.
See below pictures for additional details on my experience.
At the entrance to the chapel.
In the chapel.
Main entrance to the hotel.
My room for the night.
Hotel lobby.
Second hotel stop in Quebec at the Fairmont Frontenac for a warm night of sleep.
Winter gear: Coat by Canada Goose, under layers by Under Armour, boots by Uggs.
Love, Pris